28 August 2007

Dan Abrams rips Christianne I'm-a-poor-excuse

The Cable News Network, Al-CNN, did a series last week called "God's Warriors", hosted by Christianne "I may not hate Christians, but I don't have a problem with Muslims blowing them up either" Ammanpour. Last night Dan Abrams--who is, other than Tucker Carlson, one of the only voices of reason at MSBDS PMSNBC --exposed Ms. Ammanpour's work for what it was: a promotion of Islamofascists as victims. Video of the "Live with Dan Abrams" segment is at CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America).

Notice in the video how the Muslim woman keeps yapping whenever anybody else tries to say something. Of course, that's how Islamofascists work: play the victim, blame it on the Joooos--and Booosh--and keep talking, drowning out people who oppose them and their goal of world domination.