27 July 2007

New York Slimes: Nah, no racial bias there

I mean, just beacuse they convicted the WHITE Duke lacrosse players before the ink even dried on the arrest reports, doesn't mean that they're going to cover up and water down any crimes committed by blacks against whites. Or, would they? (via LaShawn Barber):

A 12-year-old girl was plied with vodka and gang-raped by four men, and the New York Times [free registration required] leads the story with how good a football player one of the rapists is and props up the idea that racism might be the reason the district attorney is going after him.

Why on earth would the “newspaper of record” do that? Because the accused gang rapists are black and the alleged victim is white.

In the Duke “rape” case, the NYT published story after story, month after month, parroting the district attorney’s lines and tried its best to lend credence to disgraced and disbarred Mike Nifong’s case against three white men. The liberal journalists seized every opportunity to demonize the men accused and slant stories to that end, while setting the poor-oppressed-black-rape-victim narrative in stone.

The headline “Charge against a Player Raises Question of Justice,” should read “Delayed Trial For Gang Rape Victim Raises Question of Justice.” That’s what should be important, not whether some black rapist gets to play ball.

But we know that black-on-white crime bores the heck out of liberals, so to spice things up, they turn the issue on its head and focus on poor oppressed black football players.

Clay Waters of
Times Watch, gets to the point much better than I do: “Faced with a black athlete as a suspect and an alleged rape victim who is white, the Times displays a concern for ‘racial overtones’ totally absent in its shoddy coverage of the Duke lacrosse ‘rape’ hoax.”

Indeed. Why wasn’t the NYT concerned about racial overtones in the Duke case, when it was clear to anyone with half a brain that Nifong indicted the white men accused of raping a black woman (with no DNA matches) in a heavily black city to win what otherwise would have been a tough battle to retain his job?

As I said, boring. The libs needed to spice things up, writing snide stories about “rich” white lacrosse players and oppressed black strippers.

The rape victim, now 15, won’t get any sympathy from left-leaning newspapers because she’s white and her rapists are black. Believe whatever you want, but it’s really that simple.

(Hat tip: KC Johnson)

The fleabag's name is Chris Collins, and he's a linebacker at Oklahoma State. So, obviously, "The Man" is trying to keep a black man down, and take away his livelihood. I read the article over at the Slimes. Scant mention of the victim, a whole lot of worry about whether this is being tried because of race (but of course they had no such worries about the Duke non-rape case), and a whole lot of boo-hooing about "this poor kid", and "I feel bad", and "he's such a talent", and "he was always a good student", and other such liberal poo.

You know, I don't remember hearing Al Sharpton calling for this guy to be convicted. I don't remember hearing him speaking out against this crime of racial hatred. Oh, that's right. It's beacuse the victim is white, and the perp is black. Therefore, it's not important enough for King Al. He's too busy crusading against white people that use the word "ho."

Nothing to see here, folks!! That's right!! Now, move along to the next Lindzee Lowhanne story!!