29 April 2008

Is the world crucified to you?

Just finished making a video to go along with one of the greatest quotes from Leonard Ravenhill--"Is the world crucified to you tonight? Or does it fascinate you?" To look at many churches across America--you know, the ones that serve that ooey-gooey sugary goodness that screams "seeker sensitive"--you would think that the apostle Paul was a laid-back, hippie-type slacker dude who didn't care much about doctrine, but went around with "so what does this verse mean to you?" on his lips.

Anyhoo, many of the images in this video can be found over at A Little Leaven. And since someone will ask--the music is "Carmina Burana (O Fortuna)" by Carl Orff. It's one of those pieces of music you hear on just about everything, but never knew what it was called. Well now you know :)