From Stop the ACLU:
Consider a few analogies:
Imagine a black photographer being forced by the “human rights” commission to photograph a KKK rally.
Imagine pro-abortion sign-maker being forced to print pro-life signs.
Imagine Stop the ACLU being forced to run Code Pink ads.
…and on and on…
This is an outrageous affront to the First Amendment, which protects not just the right to privately hold certain beliefs, but to live them out publicly. This sort of coercion and punishment is fit, not for the United States, but for the worst totalitarian regimes.
Thankfully, the photographer is being defended by ADF, who will surely take this ridiculous ruling from an extra-judicial tribunal to court.
But, what else would you expect from a state that elected Slob Richardson to be governor. The same Slob Richardson that has come out in support of B. Hussein Osama Obama?
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