05 September 2007

Hypocrite, thy name is "Whoopi"

Video from Jammie Wearing Fool.

Apparently, Whoopeeeeeeeee thinks it's OK to have dogs tear each other apart, drown them, electrocute them, and torture them--so long as you come from a place where it's culturally acceptable. Problem is, in THIS country--you know, the United States, where Michael Vick was born and raised--it's not!!

Question #1--If a married couple moves here from some Muslim country where it's OK for the husband to jack his wife up against the wall and beat the snot out of her, do we go ahead and let him do it because it's "culturally acceptable" where he comes from?

Question #2--Since Whoopeeeeeeeee is a darling of the rabid left-wing liberal moonbat side of scoiety, how is PETA going to handle this? Are they going to, indeed, eat their own?