06 August 2007

Sean Penn: Communist

Just lump him in with his buddies Danny Glover, Harry "Who?" Belafonte, and St. Cindy Sheehan. He's a Hollywood goofball that can't get a decent gig. And the only way he can get any press is to cozy up to tyrannical tinhat dictators like Hugo Chavez (via Forbes.com):
LA GRITA, Venezuela - Aboard the presidential jet, a grinning Hugo Chavez put a hand on Sean Penn's shoulder, praised his acting and added: "And he's anti-Bush!"

The Venezuelan president reveled in his role as host to the Hollywood star as they flew across the country Friday and traveled through the countryside in a military jeep with Chavez at the wheel, stopping to greet cheering supporters.

The Oscar-winning actor has previously condemned the Iraq war and called for President Bush to be impeached, but he revealed little about his thoughts on Venezuela, saying he came as a freelance journalist after reporting stints in Iraq and Iran - and was saving his conclusions for print.

"He's a courageous man," Chavez said as he introduced Penn to reporters and dignitaries during the flight from Caracas to western Venezuela. "He's very quiet, but he has a fire burning inside."

Penn is the latest in a series of U.S. celebrities and public figures to visit Chavez, including actor Danny Glover, singer Harry Belafonte and Cindy Sheehan, who became a peace activist after her soldier son was killed in Iraq.
Yeah, such a swell guy, that Chavez! Shutting down any media outlets that dare to oppose him. Calling for the end of Israel. And a pro-Castro, Iran-friendly socialist.