10 September 2007

Weeks gets divorce papers from Bynum

"Bishop" Thomas Weeks III and Profitess "Prophetess" Juanita Bynum have gotten one step closer to divorce, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
Lawyers for Thomas W. Weeks III said Monday they have been formally notified that national evangelist Juanita Bynum has filed for divorce.

A lawyer for Juanita Bynum has made contact with the firm.

"He is unhappy about that," said Weeks' attorney, Louis Tesser, of Kessler, Schwarz and Solomiany. "He would like to remain married."

Yeah, it's gonna be pretty lonely for TommyBoy at night, trying to sing "Money Comin'" all alone without his meal ticket lead singer. Meanwhile, what was the "prophetess" doing? Attending a presidential fund-raiser. And who will she be raising funds for? Barack Osama Obama, hosted by...OPRAH! Well, if you're gonna roll in the mud, ya might as well hang with the big hogs!
Bynum, 48, spent the weekend in California where she attended a fund-raiser for presidential candidate Barack Obama. The party was held at Oprah Winfrey's estate.

Ah yes, "The Gospel According to Oprah!" You know, the one where Jesus is NOT the only was to the Father, and that everybody--Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims--goes to Heaven, taking their own way.