24 August 2007

Still think China's a shining beacon of freedom?

Then go over there and try to speak the truth about Christ. Try to open up a church without government approval. Yeah, just try it (via Washington Times):
BEIJING (AP) – Authorities have increased arrests on Christian groups operating outside China's sole official government church following a crackdown ordered last month, an overseas monitoring group reported today.

At least
15 leaders in the unofficial church have been detained
in recent days across six provinces and regions, according to the China Aid Association, based in Midland, Texas.

They include seven church leaders arrested during a worship service in Inner Mongolia on Tuesday and six others detained for up to 10 days in the neighboring provinces and Shandong and Jiangsu. In another case, Christian businessman
Zhou Heng was arrested while picking up an order of two tons of Bibles at a bus station
, the association said.

Those actions follow
a crackdown on unauthorized religious activity
ordered July 5 as part of a drive against crime and economic chaos at the village level.

Strike hard against illegal religious and evil cult activity; eliminate elements that affect the stability of village governance
," said the directive.
Now, let me say just a little bit here. There are many in this country that say we Christians are trying to set up a theocracy, and shove our religion down people's throats. That, of course, is one of the sillier notions about us.

Do we tell people about salvation through Jesus Christ? Of course we do. But, if we are doing it properly, we don't badger people, and we don't threaten people with violence if they don't accept. Salvation is of the Lord, not us. Are there some who badger people and threaten violence? Yes. But that is not how we are to go about it. And if someone wants to follow their own religion--Buddhism, Taoism, Islam--then we are commanded to pray for that person, and let GOD change their hearts.

That said, look at what is happening in China. Anybody who follows any religion outside of what the Chinese government allows does so knowing they could be put in prison. Does that sound like "freedom of religion?" Making these attacks against Christianity known to the world will be especially important in the run-up to the Olympics. The world will be watching Beijing. If we don't speak up, then the world will not see the truth.