23 August 2007

Scamnesty International

According to Scamnesty International, if you're in your mother's womb, they don't really care what happens to you (via Washington Times):
A leading British bishop has resigned his membership in Amnesty International and an Australian Jesuit college said it will no longer work with the leading human rights group after the organization last week officially endorsed a new policy supporting a woman's right to an abortion in certain cases.

More defections could follow in the aftermath of the policy shift, officially adopted by delegates from around the world at Amnesty International's biennial meeting that concluded Friday in Mexico City.

Amnesty International delegates, backing an executive board decision announced this spring, said the organization would "support the decriminalization of abortion, to ensure women have access to health care when complications arise from abortion and to defend women's access to abortion ... when their health or human rights are in danger."
What about the human rights of that child who is in his mother's womb? Doesn't that child at least have the right to say, "Excuse me, I'd like to live, thank you very much!" No, apparently not. Whether Scamnesty International likes it or not, that child was created by GOD, and He head a prupose for creating that child. And it is not up to Scamnesty International to sya, "Ma'am, if that child is an inconvenience for you, we'll help you kill it."