20 August 2007

Illegal activist arrested after leaving sanctuary

Her name is Elvira Arellano, and she wants everyone in this country to know that we should bend over backwards and give in to the millions of illegal immigrants who have disrepected our laws and have come here illegally. Check out this quote (ht: Allahpundit at Hot Air):
"From the time I took sanctuary the possibility has existed that they arrest me in the place and time they want," she said in Spanish. "I only have two choices. I either go to my country, Mexico, or stay and keep fighting. I decided to stay and fight."
Well if Mexico's YOUR country, then go there and stay there. But don't come back here and strat causing more of a ruckus than you already have. AP ends his post with this:
She’s in Tijuana now so it’ll be easy to slip back in, but once she does the media’s going to cover it and that’s not the type of case study on border enforcement that the “undocumented community” is keen to have. I’m sure most of them are begging her to stay put, but her son’s here and she wanted to attend a vigil in D.C. on September 12 so who knows if she’ll listen?
Bryan adds more in another post.

UPDATE: Glib Fortuna adds this over at Stop the ACLU--
One comment I want to make about this entire eff-u America episode. How tiring is the blather about “separating families?” That was a prevailing meme here and has been during this entire joke of a debate (there is no debate, this is a sovereign nation and we have the right to keep it that way). How about this: if you are illegal, if you have been caught spitting on the laws of OUR land and you have happened to exploit this country even more by having children here while occupying the US illegally — take your kids with you like all GOOD parents do when they move. Illegals have assumed a risk, not only for themselves but for their children, so if anyone is to blame for “separating families,” it is the illegal who leaves his children behind.

The bigger fish to fry is the sick perversion of the 14th Amendment that allows the destructive “anchor baby” industry — a crooked cash cow and political assault weapon for law-breakers that will absolutely cripple social services and health care in border states should the illegal invasion be allowed to continue.